About Distilld

Making the world of whisky more accessible

Discover the world of whisky with Distilld – dedicated to become the leading platform for information and entertainment about whisky. With Distilld’s three main pillars of accessibility, community, and innovation.

Distilld is a website and soon-to-be-app that brings together whisky lovers from all over the world. Our goal is to become the leading platform for information and entertainment about whisky. We do so with three main pillars: accessibility, community and innovation:

Making the world of whisky more accessible

To start drinking whiskies can be a big leap. There are so many varieties of whiskies. How do you tell them apart? What do you like? And what other whiskies can you try that will surprise you in a good way?
At Distilld we focus on discovery by flavours. We divide whisky in 6 different flavour profiles to help you search and discover new whiskies.

Engaging the whisky community

We want to bring like-minded whisky lovers together from all over the world. Create a platform where you can share your thoughts and your friends can follow your whiskey journey. We are working on a feature to make your own lists so you can share what you have in your whisky closet but also help your friends by for example making a top whiskies to try list.

Innovating how you search and discover whiskies

Search by your favourite flavour, discover by rating or our lists. We want you to discover new whiskies in an exciting way. Not a clunky search without any discovery. We want to help you finding even more whiskies you like. This is something we will keep innovating and improving on to tailor Distilld even more to your needs.

Distilld has been founded by Jente Penterman and Martijn Fleurkens, two whisky fanatics working in the tech industry. Do you want to learn even more? Send us an email via info@distilld.io